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My Favorite Home Remedies For Constipation In Toddlers Top 5

I want to share with you a couple of my all time favorite home remedies for constipation in toddlers. I keep these locked up secret in my natural remedy book and I am going to share them with you today. You should really feel special that I am going to share these with you because I do not share them with many people. Constipation is a very serious problem than little young ones have and many people do not have the information that they actually need to cure it. Luckily for all of you I have what you need. You need natural homeopathic remedies. that you can start using today and I am going to give them to you right now one by one.

1. Best Heated Mattress Pad

You need to find yourself the best heated mattress pad possible. A heated mattress pad will help relieve constipation very easily. A lot of people are not actually aware that a heated mattress pad can help. Placing the mattress pad on your stomach during constipation will relieve pain and help loosen the bowel movement. There are plenty of places where you can search for the best heated mattress pad you just need to look around. You can check out this page if you want to learn more about it!


More juice and more hydration is the number one key to a healthy and happy bowel movement. If your child is staying hydrated you will make him or her feel so much better. The reason why I put juice first is because I would much rather it be water but lets be honest. Children would much rather drink juice than water. For juice choices I would recommend apple juice, cranberry juice and prune juice and nothing else.

3. Cocoa Butter

This works well for my infants and my toddlers. You can use on either of them it does not really matter. Its one of the less known home remedies for constipation in toddlers and you should feel great to have a chance to actually learn it. All you need to do is rub a little cocoa butter on the tummy. It will make them feel so much better with the nausea and will even help them have the bowel movement. Try it out and let me know how it works for you.

4.No More Cheese

Number one thing you need to know is that dairy actually makes you more constipated. So if you are feeding your child a lot of milk or cheese you should stop right now. its making the situation much worse and if you stop now you will be able to solve the problem much faster. So enough cheese and more fruits and veggies.


I already mentioned water before but children would rather drink juice. If you can get your child to drink some water then its going to be better off. More water means less constipation. Its as simple as that.

6.Cut Out Junk Food

Certain junk foods can also be a trigger for constipation. I know its not really one of the home remedies for constipation in toddlers but its an excellent tip to go by. Try this out and you will see improvement. No more junk food and more veggies.

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